Colonial period
The First Americans
The Emergence of Tribes
Native America in Fifteenth Century
European Exploration
Goal of Colonization
War of independence
The American Enlightenment
Historical Background
Attitude of Americans
Attitude of the British
Constitution making
Historical Background
Purpose of the Government
Articles of Confederation
Economic Disorganization
Lack of Central Leadership
Federalist era: 1789-1801
Differences Among Federalists and Anti-Federalists
George Washington
Military Command
Political Career
Attitude Towards Slavery
John Adams
Life and Times of John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Life History
Jeffersonian Ideology
Political Philosophy and Views
Jefferson and Government
The Significance of the Election of 1800
Louisiana purchase
Historical Background
Westward Exploration
Marbury versus Madison
A Federalist Stronghold: John Marshall's Supreme Court
Midnight Judges and Judicial Review
Facts of the Case
Holding and Rule (Marshall)
War of 1812-1814
British-French War, 1803
The Importance of the West
James Madison (1809-1817)
The War Hawks
Monroe doctrine
Factors Leading to Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe (1817-25)
Proposal of Britain
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Early Life
Jacksonian Democracy and Modern America
Politics of the Jacksonian Era
Jeffersonian vs Jacksonian democracy
Common Man
Executive Branch
Interpretation of the Constitution
States' Rights
Westward Movement
Admission of Stales During 1790 - 1829
Social Impact
Historical Background
The Surge West
Slavery in America
Importance of the Cotton Gin
Fugitive Slave Act, 1793
Slaves and Slaveholders
Civil war
Civil War Background
Sectional Rivalry
Causes of the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Early Life
Lincoln's Road to the White House
A Wartime President
Britain: Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution
Growing Industrialization
Role of Civil War
Factors Responsible for Industrialization
Progressive movement (1890-1917)
Historical Origin
Philosophical Foundation
Way to Achieve Goals
US Imperialism
Factors Responsible for Imperialism
Arguments against Imperialism
Expansion in the Pacific
Expansion in Latin America
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Woodrow Wilson
Early Years
Rise in Politics
Presidential Elections of 1912
Great depression
Individualism of Herbert Hoover
The Stock Market Crash of 1929
Flaws of the Economic System
Franklin D. Roosevelt and The New Deal
FDR Addresses the Great Depression with the New Deal
A Bank Holiday
Putting People Back to Work
The Farming Problem
Civil rights movement
Historical Background
Brown versus Board of Education Case
Montgomery Bus Boycott and the SCLC
Cold war era
The Cold War Erupts
Containment and the Marshall Plan
The Truman Doctrine
The National Security Act
Post 9/11 foreign policy of USA
Before 9/11
After 9/11
Historical Similarity
The Shift in American Foreign Policy
Preventive Warfare, Not Pre Emptive
United states role in international Conflicts and war on terror
Us Role in War on Terror
Precursor to the September 11 Attacks
September 11,2001 Attacks
US Objectives
Donald Trump
Presidential Election 2016 From Obama to Trump Trump and Terrorism Trump and India
Joe Biden
Reversal of Trump Policies
Covid-19 Policy
Economic Policy
Racial Justice
Global Perceptions of the USA
Important Surveys
Latin America: Where Anti-Americanism Started
Arab and Muslim World
How China Sees America
US congress and its mandate
Political Parties and Leadership
Floor Debate Rules
Committees: Little Legislatures
Powers Granted By the Constitution
Presidential Election
Political Parties Choose Their Candidates
Tickets for President and Vice-President
Tae Electoral College
The growth of presidential power
Tendency to Enhance Power
The Evolution of the Presidency
The Growth of the Presidency
Charismatic Presidents
Financing state and local government
Where Does the Money Come from
Separation of powers, and checks and balances
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Legislative Branch