Multan Kitab Ghar
Short Stories Of The World Book For MA English BY NKM
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Main Topics Included
The Essential Elements of Short Story
Modern Short Story
The Short-Story and The Novel
Alice Walker - Strong Horse Tea
Amy Tan - The Voice from the Wall
Anton Chekhov - The Man who Lived in a Shell
Ben Okri - What the Tapster Saw
Edward Kamau Brathwaite - Dream Haiti
Brian Friel - The Diviner
Chinua Achebe - Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe
D. H. Lawrence - The Man Who Loved Islands
Doris Lessing - A Sunrise on the Veld by Doris Lessing
Edgar Allan Poe - The Man of the Crowd
Ernest Hemingway - A Clean Well Lighted Place
Flannery O'Connor - Everything That Rises Must Converge
Franz Kafka - The Judgment
Hanif Qureshi - My Son The Fanatic
Herbert Ernest Bates - The Woman Who Had Imagination
James Joyce - The Dead
Nadine Gordimer - Once Upon a Time
Naguib Mahfouz - The Mummy Awakens
V. S. Naipaul - The Night Watchman's Occurrence Book
Victor Sawdon Pritchett - The Voice
William Trevor - A Day
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