Multan Kitab Ghar
Qualify B.Ed. Secondary Subjective 1.5 Year (Semester - II) By Pervaiz Iqbal
Education Technology
Nature of Education Technology
Education Technology Learning
Aims Objectives
Taching strategies
Projected non - projected aids
New trends in educational technology
Educational Measurement Evaluation
Instructional Goals and Objectives
What is Test?
Test Construction
Continues Assessment
Interpretation of Test Scores and Norms
Grading and Reporting
Management Strategies In Educational Institutions
Introduction Role of Head teacher as manager
Planning the curriculum
Health, safety and co-curricular activities
management structure
Communication in schools
Record keeping in schools
Day to day concerns
School Plant
School Administration Supervision
The Concept of Administration
Leadership in Education
Function of Administration
Educational Planning and organization in Pakistan
Supervision (Concept)
Human Resource Management
Human resource development education
Human resource management in Pakistan
Trends Issues in Human resource management Suggested readings
School Leadership
Introduction to Leadership
Perspectives on Leadership Approaches
Theories of New Leadership
management as a key to Leadership
Role of Motivation in leading and managing
Leadership and Management in Education Institutions
Courage, Ethics and Morals in Leadership
The leader's Role in Developing Effective Followers
Gender and Educational Leadership