Multan Kitab Ghar
Practical Note Book of Physics 10th for Punjab Board
Chapter 12: Geometrical Optics
Experiment 12.1 : Verify the laws of refraction by using a glass slab.
Experiment 12.2 : Find the refractive index of water by using a concave mirror.
Experiment 12.3 : Determine the critical angle of the glass using a semi circular glass slab and a light ray box/or by prims.
Experiment 12.4 : Trace the path of a ray of light through a glass prism and measure the angle of deviation.
Experiment 12.5 : Find the focal length of a convex lens by parallax method.
Experiment 12.6a : Set up a microscope.
Experiment 12.6b : Set up a telescope
Chapter 14: Current Electricity
Experiment 14.1 : Verify Ohm's law (using wire as a conductor).
Experiment 14.2 : Study resistors in a series circuit.
Experiment 14.3 : Study resistors in a parallel circuit.
Experiment 14.4 : Find the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method
Chapter 15: Electromagnetism
Experiment 15.1 : Trace the magnetic field using a bar magnet.
Experiment 15.2 : Trace the magnetic field due to a current carrying circular coil
Chapter 16: Introductory Electronics
Experiment 16.1 : Verify the truth table of Or, And, Not, Nor and NAND gates.
Experiment 16.2a :Set up a NAND gate burglar Alarm.
Experiment 16.2b : Set up a Not gate Fire Alarm.