Multan Kitab Ghar
Outlines Of Islamic Jurisprudence ( ALSI Law Outlines ) By Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee
The Scope of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence
The Meaning of Usul al-Fiqh and Basic Terms
The Hukm: What is Islamic Law?
The Lawgiver (Hakim)
The Act (Mahkum Fih)
The Subject (Mahkum Alayh)
Causes of Defective Legal Capacity
The Primary Sources of Islamic Law
Secondary Sources
Maslahah and the Maqasid al-Shariah
The Meaning of Ijtihad and its Modes
Taqlid or Juristic Method
Property and Ownership
General Principles of Contract
Delegated Authority
Security of Debts, Insolvency and Interdiction
Acquisition of Property and Liens
Enterprise Organization
Divorce and Separation
Inheritance, Bequests and Trusts
The Islamic State and its Duties
Crimes and Torts
War and Fiscal Laws
Courts, Procedure and Evidence
Islamic Law and Human Rights
The Islamic Legal Heritage
the Schools of Islamic Law
The Function of a School of Law and the Hierarchies
Geographical Distribution of Schools and the Bond Between Them