Multan Kitab Ghar
O Level Pak Studies (Subject Code) 2059/0448 (According to new Syllabus 2023-2025) Paper 1 Topical Past Papers By Read Write Publications
Unit 1: Reasons for the Decline of the Mughal Empire
Unit 2: The East India Company and the British Colonial Rule
Unit 3: Shah Walli Ullah (1703-1762)
Unit 4: Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvy (1786-1831)
Unit 5: The War of Independence 1857
Unit 6: Sir Syed and Ali Garh Movt
Unit 7: Languages
Unit 8: Partition of Bengal 1905 and Reversal 1911
Unit 9: Simla Deputation and Formation of Muslim League 1906
Unit 10: Minto morely reforms (Indian Council Act 1909)
Unit 11: The Lucknow pact joint demands to the british 1916
Unit 12: Dehli Proposals, Simon commission, Nehru Report, 14 Points of Jinnah
Unit 13: The round table Conferences 1930-1932
Unit 14: The Government of India Act 1935
Unit 15: Congress Rule and day of Dilervance 1937-39
Unit 16: The Pakistan Resolution 1940
Unit 17: Cripps Mission 1942
Unit 18: The Gandhi Jinnah Talks 1944
Unit 19: Lord Wavell and the simla conference 1945
Unit 20: Cabinet Mission Plan 1946
Unit 21: Khilafat Movement 1919-1924
Unit 22: Initial problems 1947-48
Unit 23: Early years 1947-1958
Unit 24: Ayub Khan 1958-69
Unit 25: Yahya khan and Creation of Bangladesh 1969-71
Unit 26: Zulfikar ali bhutto 1971-77
Unit 27: Zia ul haq 1977-88
Unit 28: Benazir and Nawaz Sharif 1988-1999
Unit 29: International Relations of Pakistan
May / June 2018 Paper 1
May / June 2019 Paper 1