Multan Kitab Ghar
NKM Literature Series Lighthouse Novel Book By Virginia Woolf
Important Topic :
Modernism in Literature
The 20th Century Literature
Modern Fiction Its Chief Feature
Virginia Woolf Biography
The Literary Social Background
Signification of The time in her Novels
Art of Characterization
theory of Fiction
The three Level of the Theme
important University with Answer
for MA English class
About Book :
An Extensive Critical Study with Detailed Literary Analysis Chapter wise Summary Critical Commentary Important University question with Answer
To the Lighthouse: Introduction
To the Lighthouse: The Literary The Historical
To the Lighthouse: Critical Overview 1
To the Lighthouse: Synopsis
To the Lighthouse: Outline Story
To the Lighthouse: Chapter-wise Summary |
To the Lighthouse: Critical Commentary 1
To the Lighthouse: Major Minor Characters |
To the Lighthouse: Treatment of Time
To the Lighthouse: The Philosophical Framework
To the Lighthouse: The Three Levels of the Theme
To the Lighthouse: Symbolism :