Multan Kitab Ghar
NKM Advance Literary Essays Selected Essays for M.A English
Section - I: General Literary Essays
Art for Life's Sake
Literature and Society
Satire in English Literature
The Role of Literary Criticism
Section - II: Literary Movements Ages
Influence of the Renaissance on English Literature
English Literature in the 18th Century
English Literature in the 19th Century
The Victorian Age of English Literature
The 20th Century Literature
Section - III: English Poetry
What is Poetry?
The Metaphysical Poetry in English Literature
Symbolism in Modern Poetry
Section - IV: English Drama
Greek Tragedy: The Attic Drama
Aristotle's concept of Tragedy
The Modern Drama
Section - V: English Novel
Eighteenth Century Novel
English Novel in the 19th Century
Development of English Novel during the Victorian Period
Teaching of English in Pakistan
English as a Common Language of the World
Section - VII: Literary Personalities
The Place of Chaucer among the English Poets
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Spenser as a "The Poets' Poets"
Christopher Marlowe as a Dramatist