Multan Kitab Ghar
General Science Ability Guess Papers For CSS 2025 By Asad Aziz
Table of Contents
General Science
Q.1 What is the importance of ozone layer? Explain the causes and effects of ozone depletion.
Q.2 What is meant by smog? Discuss its types, reactions, effects and remedies
Q.3 What is solar system? Explain the characteristics of following objects of solar system
Q.4 Explain the structure of Earth. Also discuss the composition of Atmosphere
Q.5 Why atoms form bonds? Discuss the different types of chemical bonds in detail
Q.6 Describe different symptoms, causes, prevention and management strategies of
dengue fever
Q.7 Write a detailed note on blood plasma, blood cells and blood groups
General Ability
Solved Important Questions
Ratio and Proportion
Word Problems
Age Problems
Square Root
Line Graph, Pie Chart and Table
Presentation of Data
Arithmetic Mean
Lines, Angles and Triangle