Multan Kitab Ghar
Emporium Muslim Political Thought Subjective Question Bank Book for M.A by M Asif Malik
Discuss the nature of an Islamic State and compare it with Modern Democratic State.
Islamic Political system is liberal and Democratic in nature. Discuss.
How Islamic concept of sovereignty is different to western concept? Discuss
Discuss in detail the sources of Islamic Law.
Write a note on importance of Ijtihad in Islam.
Write a note on the status of minorities in Islam
Write a status of women in Islam.
Discuss Administrative setup in the time of the Holy Prophet.
What is Liberty?
Role of Judiciary in Islamic State.
Powers and duties of Qazi
Write a note on the importance of Shura in Islam.
Note on Al Farabi's place in Muslim Philosophy
Write a note on Al Farabi's al madina al Fadilah
Al Farabi Concept of Islamiat
Note on Iqbal Concept of Perfect Man.
Discuss in detail Allama Iqbal Concept of Millat.