Multan Kitab Ghar
Emporium MCQs Chemistry Book for Lecturer CSS FPSC by Baqir
Main Topics included
Some basic concepts of chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
States of Matter
Redox reactions
Hydrogen and Hydrocarbons
Environmental Chemistry and Solid State
solutions and Electrochemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Coordination Compounds
Biomolecules and Polymers
Salient Features
Chapter-wise questions with explanatory answers
Previous year's questions asked in various exams
Covers all important concepts of each topic
As per the latest pattern and syllabus
Chemistry Book
For Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Subject specialist, CSS, PCS,
PMS, GAT( Subject ), MDCAT, FPSC, and all other relevant examinations.
Up-To-Date Edition
According To The New Syllabus
Written By Baqir Raza
Published By Emporium Publications