Multan Kitab Ghar
Doctor Zoology Practical Note Book B for BS 4 years by Prof. Riaz ul haq Ramay
Study of Euglena, Amoeba, Entomoeba, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Paramecium as representative of animal like protests (prepared slides).
Study .of sponges and their various body forms Principal representatives of classes of phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata) Principal representatives of classes of phylum Platyhelminthes.
Representative of phylum Rotifera, phylum Nematoda.
Principal representatives of classes of phylum Mollusca.
Principal representatives of classes of phylum Annelida Principal representatives of classes of phylum Arthropoda. Representative of hemichordate and invertebrate chordate (Echinodermata).
Representative groups of class fishes.
Representative groups of class Amphibia.
Representative groups of class Reptelia.
Representative groups of class Ayes Representative groups of class Mammalia.
Field trips to study animal diversity with emphasis on their adaptions.
Brief notes on medical/ economic importance of the following: Plasmodium, Entamoeba histoltica, Leishmania, liverfluke, Tapeworm, Earthworm, Silkworm, Citrus butterfly.
Preparation of permanent stained slides of the followings: Paramicium, Obelia, Daphnia, Cestode, Parapdia of Nereis.