Multan Kitab Ghar
Constitutional Development in Pakistan by M. Sohail Bhatti
The Transfer of Power and the First Constituent Assembly
Some Aspects of the Interim Constitution
The Islamic concept of the State
Religious Minorities
Constitution - Making Dilemmas (1947 - 54)
The constitutional Crisis and the Second Constituent Assembly
The Constitution of 1956
End of an Era
The Constitution Commission
The Constitution of 1962
The Presidential System
The Federal Structure
The Judiciary and Fundamental Rights
Constitution Making in Pakistan (1970 - 1972)
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973
Zia Regime and the Revival of Constitutional Order, 1985
Appendix - The 16th Amendment
Supreme Court on LFO 2002
Election - 2002
The 17th Amendment
Fall of Musharraf and Election - 2008
The 18th Amendment (2010)
The 19th Amendment (2011)
Annex (The Objective Resolution)
The 20th Amendment (Act No.V) of 2012
The 21st Amendment (Act No.I) of 2015
22nd Amendment (Act No.XXV) of 2016
23rd Amendment (Act No.XII) of 2017
24th Amendment (Act No.XXXVII) of 2017
25th Amendment (Act No.XXXVII) of 2018
Selected Bibliography