Multan Kitab Ghar
AH General Agriculture Book Tenth Edition By M Akhtar Abbas
Main Topics Included :
Agriculture and food security
Pakistan agriculture and analytical review
Agrarian Economy of the country
Basic properties of Soils
Problems soil of Pakistan
Animal Agriculture
Agriculture extension
Plant Physiology
Applied entomology
Important Note About This Book
This book gives a general account of the basic factors affecting agriculture , and application of the available knowledge pertaining the principles of agriculture for its improvement and development .
General Agriculture is an exhaustive study in the field of
The book primarily focuses on the course outline of
CSS and PMS examinations.
In addition, the book will be of much significance to general readers, policy-makers, students of all the disciplines of agriculture and Botany and the candidates appearing for the test/interviews of various agricultural services.
This book adequately explains the fundamentals of Pakistan's
agriculture and various issues confronting the sector.
Yield limiting factors, weeds, pests and diseases of agricultural crops
have been fully explained.
Modern concepts in nutrient and pest management have also been dilated upon.
The book also discusses the water scarcity and food insecurity problems.
The book was reviewed by Dr. Tahir Hussain, ex-Dean, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.