Multan Kitab Ghar
Advanced Handbook of Islamic Studies for CSS by M Imtiaz Shahid
Part 1. Introduction of Islam
The Concept of Islam
Importance of Deen in Human Life
Difference between Deen Religion/ Madhab
Distinctive Aspects of Islam
Islamic Beliefs its impact on Individual Society the fundamental of Islam
Islamic Worships
Part 2. Study of Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as role model
Study of the sirah of the Holy Prophet
Prophet Muhammad As a Role Model for Individuals
Prophet Muhammad As a Role Model for Teacher
Prophet Muhammad As a Role Model for Military Strategist
Part 3. Human rights and status of woman in Islam
Human Rights in Islam
Human Dignity in Islam
Part 4. Islamic Civilization and Culture
Characteristics of Islamic Civilization
Part 5. Islam and the World
The role of Islam in the Modern world
Rise of Extremism
Part 6. Public Administration and Governance in Islam
Quranic Guidance on Good Governance
Governance Structure in Islam
System of Accountability in Islam
Responsibilities of Civil Servants
System of Accountability in Islam
Part 7. Islamic Code of Life
Salient Features of Islamic system
Social system of Islam
Political system of Islam
Economic system of Islam
The Judicial system of Islam
Procedure of Ijam and Ijtihad