Multan Kitab Ghar
A Short History of the Saracens Book by Syed Ameer Ali
Arabia its Geographical and Physical Condition
Early History Kossay Abdul Muttalib
Mohammad at Medina
The Republic
Osman His Favourtism
Retrospect Government policy
The Ommeyades
Merwan Son of Hakam
Walid I Conquests in the East
Accession of Sulaiman
Accession of Hisham
The extent of the Empire at Hisham's Death
Merwan II His Character Insurrections
The Abbassides Saffah and Mansur
Accession of Mahdi
Rashid and Amin
Mamun at Merv Disorders in Baghdad
Mutawakkil the Nero of the Arabs
Kaim b amr-illah, the Caliph
The Caliphate Nominally elective Government
Abdur Rahman lands in Spain
Accession of Abdur Rahman
Accession of Hisham II
The KIngdom of Granada The City