Multan Kitab Ghar
A Short History of Muslim Spain Book by Mazhar ul Haq
Spain before the advent of the Islamic Rule
Arab Conquest of Spain
Umayyad Governors of Muslim Spain
Administration and Society under the Umayyad Governors
Abd ar Rahman I ad Dakhil
Hisham Bin Abd ar Rahman
Al Hadam I
Abd ar Rahman II
Muhammad I and Manzir
Al Hakam II
Hisham II and Hajib al Mansur
The Fall of the Amirids
Civil war and the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate
Government and Adminsistration in Umayyad Spain
Social life under the Spanish Umayyads
The Taifa Kingdoms: Their Rise and Fall
Rise and fall of the al Murabitun
Al Muwahhidun in Spain
The Decline and Destruction of Granada: The Moriscos
Causes of the Decline and Destruction of Muslim Spain
Influence of Muslim Spain on Christian Spain and Europe