Brief-Guide-for-the-Preparation-of-Rescue-1122-Job-Test Multan Kitab Ghar

Brief Guide for the Preparation of Rescue 1122 Job Test

The Rescue 1122 put their lives at risk during any disaster and crises in the territories of Pakistan. This was demonstrated by the fact that in the event of an emergency, there was a greater than 95% likelihood that the sufferer would not be transported by ambulance, much alone get timely emergency care from Rescue 1122 skilled and trained officers. 

The emergency and disaster events were never given importance in Pakistan and people helped themselves if such happenings took place. As seen there is an urgent need of qualified emergency officials lined with machinery, hospitals, transports and other necessary equipment. 

Let us show you how you can serve the nation by joining the “Rescue 1122” team. The key reason for Rescue 1122's success is its open hiring process, which includes written, physical, skill, and psychometric evaluation exams to find the appropriate individual for the right position. This procedure has also been outsourced to the Pakistan Testing Service to guarantee greater openness (PTS). 

Eligibility Criteria & Education Required for Rescue 1122

Candidates having Bachelor's degrees in Science, Business Administration, or any other field with a minimum 50% marks are eligible for these positions but the exact criteria is mentioned in the advertisement and applicants must refer to the advertisement. 


Again the age depends from position to position but ideal age should be minimum 2o years and Maximum 35 years.

Basic Salary for Rescue 1122:

The basic salary depends from position to position and the salary is ranging from RS 20000 – 150,000 PKR Per Month.

How to Apply for Jobs in Rescue 1122

Rescue 1122 aggressively enforces merit, and anybody who fails to pass these exams or meet the criteria is not invited to an interview. The following steps are included in the hiring process:

  1. To apply for the position please login to Portal:

  • Advertisement: 

All vacant positions sanctioned by the Punjab Government's Finance Department are advertised in at least two national daily publications, one Urdu and one English.

  • Application Form: 

Only applications on approved forms are accepted. Only the applications of those individuals who meet the requirements for that position are accepted for further review.

  • Short Listing / Scrutiny of Applications: 

At any point during the process, the approved applications may be subjected to additional inspection. In the event that a high number of applications are received for a particular vacancy, short-listing is done based on preferred / upgraded criteria as stated in the advertising.

  • Written test: 

All applicants who have been formally short-listed will be subjected to a written test, with those who score 50% or higher being eligible for further competition.

  • Physical Fitness & Medical Screening: 

All applicants for various positions in the Punjab Emergency Service must undergo a physical examination, and any candidate with vision less than 6/18, obesity (BMI greater than 25), chest less than 33 inches, height less than 5'6", or Hepatitis B, C, HIV, or RPR is ineligible for selection. The ultimate appointment is contingent on the Medical Board's approval of medical fitness. The physical test includes:

  1. Required 11 sit-ups / 25 per minute
  2. Required Push Ups / 25 per minute
  3. Running & Jumping / One Mile in 8 minutes.
  4. Male Officers above the age of 35 years and females have to complete one mile in 12 minutes.
  • Skill Tests: 

For all technical positions, a skill test is administered, and applicants must score at least 50% to be considered for interviews. Control Room In-charge, Audio Video Cameraman, Wireless Technician, Computer Telephone Wireless Operator, Office Computer Operator, Specialized Vehicle Operator, Electrical/ Tube-well Technician, Auto Electrician and Office Clerk, Office Attendant (Cook), and Driver, among others, are among the positions available.

  • Psychological Test/ Psychometric Evaluation: 

Candidates who pass the aforementioned steps will be subjected to a psychological evaluation to determine their eligibility.

  • Interviews:

Candidates who have passed all of the previous rounds are next interviewed by a Provincial Recruitment/ Selection Committee made up of individuals from several government departments.

  • Training: 

Depending on the nature of the assignment, the final selection of the applicant proposed by the Recruitment Committee is contingent on satisfactory completion of training at the Emergency Services Academy or in the field.

    1. All applicants for various positions in the Punjab Emergency Service must undergo a physical examination, and any candidate with vision less than 6/18, obesity (BMI greater than 25), chest less than 33 inches, height less than 5'6", or Hepatitis B, C, HIV, or RPR is ineligible for selection. The ultimate appointment is contingent on the Medical Board's approval of medical fitness.
  • Verification: 

The offer of appointment is contingent on the candidate's antecedents, police clearance, and educational credentials being attached to the application form used to apply for employment in the Service.

  • Recruitment Complaints Redressal Cell: 

Applicants can contact Pakistan Testing Service with any questions or complaints at and to Rescue 1122 at

What candidates must Avoid while apply for Jobs in Rescue 1122

  1. Candidates should submit applications only if they meet the criteria, and those who do not should not even consider applying. Also, pay close attention to the advertisement because it explains every step of the application process. Make sure your responses in your online application are truthful; providing misleading information might result in your application being denied.

Preferred Previous Experience to Gain Job in Rescue in 1122

  1. 1122 Rescue Jobs 2022 is looking for persons who are looking for a career in the healthcare department where they can help people and have prior expertise. Those who apply should also have relevant experience and satisfy the employment criteria. Furthermore, persons who do not meet the essential qualifications but nonetheless apply will be instantly refused.

Recommended Preparation for Rescue 1122 Exam

Punjab rescues 1122 MCQs with Solution Paper Using these MCQs, applicants may prepare for the most number of tests possible, pts book for rescue 1122 pdf. We provide an online test in which you can answer MCQs. The 2019 rescue 1122 written exam will be held shortly. As a result, applicants may use these papers to prepare and solidify their positions, Rescue- 1122 points exam previous papers.

Students must read a lot about the history and latest schemes of that specific job in Rescue 1122 for which you are going to apply. Your knowledge about your relevant study field and economics/commerce should also be very good.

Of course you should also have command over:

  1. First aids Training 
  2. Fire Fighting 
  3. Standard Operating Procedures during crisis or emergency
  4. Safety and Precautions 
  5. Safety Measures 
  6. Priority Rules 

In addition students should also prepared about 

  1. General knowledge
  2. Pakistan History
  3. Geography
  4. Current Affairs
  5. Everyday Science
  6. Islamic Studies
  7. Pakistan Studies
  8. Urdu
  9. Mathematics
  10. Statistics
  11. Microsoft Office 

Will be beneficial to candidates to sufficiently prepare for the Rescue 1122 one paper exam. 

Multan Kitab Ghar will keep publishing important links to online quizzes such as 

Important Videos to prepare of  Rescue 1122 Jobs

Take these online quizzes too before applying for Rescue 1122 jobs in Pakistan.

Types of Jobs in Rescue 1122 Department:

Given below are the vacancies Details For 1122 Rescue Jobs in 2022:

  • Rescue Driver
  • Sanitary Worker
  • Rescue HQs & Academy
  • Computer Operator
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMI)
  • Computer Telephone Wireless Operator
  • Fire / DERT Rescuer (FDR)
  • Maintenance Technician
  • Auto Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Electrician Technician
  • LTV Driver
  • Office Attendant
  • Mali
  • Security Guard
  • Naib Qasid
  • Sweeper
  • Assistant Director/ Emergency Officers/Rescue Commanders
  • Emergency Officer
  • Rescue & Safety Officer/Deputy Rescue Commanders
  • Control Room in charge/ Communication & Liaison Officer
  • Shift Incharges/ Logistics Maintenance in charges
  • Store Incharges
  • Computer Telephone Wireless Operator
  • Electrical Technician/ VHF Technicians
  • Office Assistant
  • Rescue Drivers
  • Naib Qasid
  • Security Guards

Syllabus for Rescue 1122 Exams:

Pakistan Testing Service provides the NTS Test Paper Pattern for rescue 1122. Candidates may get rescue 1122 course syllabus by referring to given below specifications:


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs/General Knowledge
  • JD’s LTV & HTV Driving Skills


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Basic Computer Knowledge (MS-Word Excel. PowerPoint)
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Administrative Procedures
  • Fundamentals of Economics
  • Financial Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • General Rescue Awareness


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Basic Computer Knowledge (MS-Word, Excel &
  • PowerPoint)
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Administrative Procedures
  • General Rescue Awareness
  • Post Related


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Fundamentals of nursing
  • Community nursing
  • Microbiology / Pathology
  • Instructional Skills’ Class Room Management
  • Gynae / OBS
  • Surgical/medical nursing
  • Pharmacology
  • Anatomy


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Sports Medicine
  • Rules & Techniques of Games and Sports
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Instructional Skills’ Class Room Management


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Basics of Rescue and Safety
  • Emergency Preparedness & Response
  • Rescue and safety in Accidents
  • Emergency & Disaster Handling
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Instructional Skills’ Class Room Management
  • First Aid Assistance
  • Rescue1122 past paper of fire brigade.


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Assist in establishing appropriate techniques and plans for fire training, protection of life and property by combating, extinguishing, and preventing fires, and preparation participation in safety education campaigns and public awareness events for prevention of emergencies.
  • Manage the fire/hazardous material incidents, building collapse, evacuation of victims from the scene while observing proper personal safety precautions, and PPE.
  • Responsible for maintenance of the fire vehicle and equipment Instructional Skills’ Class Room Management Conduct fire’ rescue operations on-scene while planning and participating in all activities.


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Office Management
  • Fundamentals of IT
  • Instructional Skills’ Classroom Management
  • MS Office


English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension

  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Islamiyat’ethics
  • Everyday Science
  • Instructional Skills’ Class Room Management
  • JD’s LHV & HTV Driving Skills


  • English Grammar. Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Current Affairs / General Knowledge
  • Basic Engine Management System
  • Chassis of automobiles
  • Instructional Skills’ Class Room Management
  • Auto electrical (basics)

Recommended Sources for Solved Exam Exercises

this page, and some past MCQs are taken from rescue 1122 two past papers and have to pass the test with the study of rescue 1122 psychometric test sample, rescue 1122 five-year-old paper. Please click on the categories to get complete information:

  1. MCQs 
  2. NTS English (Verbal) Section Preparation
  3. NTS Analytical Skills
  4. Analytical Skills Practice Questions
  5. NTS Quantitative (Mathematics) Questions
  6. Economy of Pakistan MCQs
  7. Current Affairs MCQs
  8. NTS General Knowledge MCQs
  9. Pakistan related Current Affairs Questions
  10. Computer/ IT
  11. Economics
  12. Finance
  13. Commerce

Recommended Books for Rescue 1122 Exam:

The candidate should refer to different sources to prepare for the Rescue 1122 exams. However the following books are available at Multan Kitab Ghar for your preparation:

Rescue 1122 Driver Test Guide & Book By Zubair Ahmed (

Advertising for Rescue 1122 Exam

You can refer to different sources to see the advertisement or job tenders. These advertisement can be viewed on the Rescue 1122 official web site and you can refer to below link for Rescue 1122 job advertisements:

Status for Candidates:

The Candidates can check their status by putting their CNIC on the given below link:

For Further Information,

Please Contact Rescue 1122 for any information:

UAN: 051-111-111-787

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